We offer services and treatment plans tailored to meet your unique hearing needs. From comprehensive evaluations to custom hearing aid fittings, our staff combines years of experience with state-of-the-art technology to find the best solution for you.
Hearing Tests
Hearing Testing and Evaluations
Choosing the right hearing aid starts with a clear understanding of your unique hearing loss needs. Our advanced testing procedures accurately identify whether or not you have hearing loss and measure the type and severity.
The first step in any hearing aid journey begins with a hearing test. A hearing test actually comprises a series of exams that provide our audiologist complete details into the inner workings of your ears. The hearing tests are pain-free and only require a client or patient to respond to a series of tones or sounds.
More on Hearing Test
Online Hearing Screening
Think You Might Have Hearing Loss?
Take our free, 5-minute online screening to get a better understanding of your hearing health. It can determine if a professional screening is right for you.
Hearing Aid Services
Finding the Perfect Match.
Hearing loss looks different for everyone, and as a result, there are a number of hearing aid varieties on the market. Through careful evaluations and custom fittings, we’ll help you find the best device for your hearing loss needs.
Step 1.
Come In and We’ll Test Your Hearing
One of our experienced hearing professionals will test your hearing and determine if hearing aids are the best solution for you.
Step 2.
Get Matched With the Right Device
Based on your unique hearing loss, our professionals will pair you with the best hearing aid to fit your needs, lifestyle, and budget.
Step 3.
Customize and Optimize Your Device
To ensure you’re getting the most from your new hearing aids, we’ll test your new device and make adjustments as needed for the perfect fit.
Step 4.
Check-in Regularly For Ongoing Care
Better hearing is a process, and we’re with you through every step of your journey with regular cleanings, maintenance and follow-up care.
Hearing Aid Services
We Service Your Devices
From hearing aid screening, selection and fittings, to ongoing maintenance and repairs – we offer a wide range of services to keep your hearing aids performing their best.
Once you've selected the perfect hearing aids to suit your needs, you will schedule a hearing aid fitting with our audiologist. This appointment will educate you on how to care for and maintain your devices, as well as how to insert and remove them properly. The audiologist will also program your hearing aids to your exact hearing loss needs and then show you how to use them.
More on Hearing Aid Evaluation & FittingWhile hearing aid technology has been leaps and bounds since they first hit the market in 1898, hearing aids can – and do – still break. After all, hearing aid technology is wound and bound in highly compact computers that sit in highly volatile environments. While some repairs can be fixed with some at-home troubleshooting, many issues, including those that cause sound distortion or feedback, could likely require repair. At Arkansas Professional Hearing Care, we understand that needing a hearing aid repair could bring about fear and anxiety. There's no need to worry; we'll provide your repair and allow you to borrow a pair of hearing aids in the interim period. If for some reason, we are unable to fix your device in-house, we'll work with the manufacturer directly for expedited service.
More on Hearing Aid Repair