Have you ever wondered what that buzzing ringing noise, apparent to none other than yourself, is? The noise you hear isn’t from an external source, and nobody else can hear it. Tinnitus is a common problem and affects roughly 15% to 20% of people; it’s also something that doesn’t last forever and, for most, treatment is a viable solution.

Tinnitus is typically caused by an underlying symptom such as a problem with the circulatory system, an ear injury or age-related hearing loss. It’s also most commonly found in older individuals and may include humming, ringing, buzzing and hissing noises. The tinnitus noises may also vary drastically from a low buzz to a loud and high-pitched ring; it may also be experienced in a single ear or both ears. In some instances, the noise can become so apparent that it affects your ability to concentrate on something specific. This article will look at all aspects of tinnitus and how it can be treated.

Subjective Tinnitus

In most cases, people experience subjective tinnitus, which only you can hear. The pitch of subjective tinnitus can vary drastically from one person to another. It may even become a disturbance when you’re trying to focus on working.

Objective Tinnitus

Very few individuals who experience tinnitus may ever experience objective tinnitus. Subjective tinnitus comes in a pulsing sound which in many instances correlates with your heartbeat and is also referred to as pulsatile tinnitus.

Who is at Risk

Older individuals are most likely to experience tinnitus that becomes a distraction or doesn’t go away. As one of the most significant contributors to tinnitus, age-related hearing loss means older individuals will be more prone to tinnitus. Tinnitus may also be caused by a smoking habit, insufficient sleep, stress, those with a history of hyperlipidemia, osteoarthritis, asthma and depression. You should consult with your audiologist to identify the best course of action to eliminate your tinnitus.

Here are some of the different hearing aids styles available to you.

Behind the Ear (BTE)

The behind-the-ear hearing aid was designed to fit flawlessly behind your ear; this means it’s more visible compared to other hearing aids. The hearing aid is connected with a tube to a custom-made earmold that fits comfortably in your ear canal. Not only is it the comfortable hidden aspect of a hearing aid, but it’s also compatible for individuals of any age with any hearing loss. The unit consists of a rechargeable battery and can be amplified much more than other means of hearing aid. This means of hearing aid may also be more susceptible to wind noise and so on. It’s essential to consult your audiologist when making decisions like these; by doing so, you allow them to assess your situation, consider your daily activities and make suggestions accordingly.

In the Canal (ITC)

An in-the-canal hearing aid is optimized partly in the ear canal, and it’s primarily custom-made for the perfect fit. As it’s a much smaller device and fitted into your ear canal and not outside, it’s much less visible in comparison with other styles of hearing aid. It does happen that this style of hearing aid causes a build-up of earwax in the speaker hole, which might affect usability.

By using this small device, you also won’t adjust the volume on the device itself. This means of hearing aid also subject to your lifestyle and daily activities. By talking to your local audiologist, you’ll quickly know which course to take and how to implement such.

In the Ear (ITE)

An in-the-ear hearing aid is a more visible means of hearing aid; it can be offered in either what’s called a full-shell or a half-shell. A full shell is where the hearing aid fills out the entire outer bowl of your ear. A half-shell is the same method of hearing aid; the only difference is it only covers the lower half of the ear bowl. Both these styles work precisely and can be implemented on individuals with mild to severe hearing loss.

The larger device includes features such as volume control which you won’t find in smaller devices. This device is also susceptible to wind noise which might become an irritation at some point. But, yet again, when you consider getting yourself a hearing aid, consult your audiologist and get a second opinion based on experience.

If you need any assistance with a hearing aid or want to make an appointment with an audiologist or even ask a few questions, you’re welcome to call Arkansas Professional Hearing Care at (501) 588-0177 today and get some peace of mind.