Something many people don’t know is that diabetes and your hearing have a connection with each other. According to American Diabetes Association, diabetes and hearing loss are two of America’s most common health cases and diabetes can affect your chances of experiencing some type of hearing loss. A recent study showed that people with diabetes had double the chances of acquiring hearing loss, and of the 80 million people in America who have prediabetes, the cases of hearing loss are almost 30% more than individuals with normal blood glucose levels.

But, with the advancements in technology and hearing aids, there are many options your audiologist can provide you with to minimize the effects of your hearing loss. These options will all depend on your lifestyle, the daily activities you encounter and ultimately what exactly you need from your hearing aid. That said, have a look down below at the different types of hearing aids available, as well as how your local audiologist can help you with your hearing impairment.

Hearing aid styles

In the Ear (ITE)

In-the-ear, hearing aids can be made specifically for you in two different ways. The first one fills out the entire outer bowl and is called a full-shell, and the second one fits only around the lower part of your ear; this is called a half-shell. Even though they may look a bit different to each other, both are supportive to people with severe or mild hearing loss.

An in-the-ear hearing aid may be much easier to handle and includes features like volume control which may not be available with smaller hearing aids. These hearing aids are a bit more susceptible to wind noise and are a bit more visible than other smaller hearing aids. Although they offer more features, it may be advisable to have an in-depth discussion with your audiologist to determine the best direction to go in.

Behind the Ear (BTE)

A behind-the-ear hearing aid is the most visible, seeing as it hooks in over the top of your ear and then fits in behind it. A small tube connects the earpiece to a custom-made earmold that fits inside your ear canal. This hearing aid is compatible with people of all ages and with nearly any type of hearing loss. The behind-the-ear hearing aid is also a bit more susceptible to wind noise but may be available with a rechargeable battery and can be amplified more than other styles. This may be beneficial to a specific lifestyle where others might not be as suited to daily activities, it would be advantageous to approach your audiologist to establish the best outcome.

In the Canal (ITC)

The in-the-canal hearing aid is applied partly in the ear canal and custom-made to fit according to your canal precisely. This hearing aid is much less visible than other styles, seeing as it isn’t fitted on the outside of the ear and is much smaller in size as well. The in-the-canal hearing aid can be susceptible to earwax clogging up the tiny speaker. You also don’t have as much control in terms of volume.

So, depending on your lifestyle, you’ll have to consider a variety of aspects in order to fully determine the best course of action. It would be highly advised to consult with your audiologist in order to establish the best means of increasing hearing and forging a brighter future for yourself.

Before choosing a hearing aid, it is essential to consult with your audiologist and work together to establish which style would be best for your case and the degree of hearing loss. Your audiologist will also be able to educate you more on the subject, do a diagnostic evaluation and help you every step of the way to achieve better hearing. Not only will your audiologist be able to advise on the best hearing aid solutions, they’ve also dealt with many similar cases and know which devices offer the most in different circumstances. By utilizing the help of your audiologist, you’ll also have someone supporting you every step of the way.

You’re not only doing it for yourself in terms of quality of life, but advanced hearing can also make a dramatic difference in your career performance. Contact Arkansas Professional Hearing Care by calling us at (501) 588-0177 today to learn more about the services we offer and how we can help you!